Patient Outreach

“The Best Call is the Call the Patient Does Not Have to Make”

Designed to enhance the Patient Experience through reassurance, continuity of care, and development of trust. If you are a hospice organization, a home health agency, or a physician's office, this service can be a valuable addition to your organization.

Proactive patient outreach can be implemented for newly admitted hospice and home health patients, for patients with recent medication changes or new symptoms, or for clinic patients with recent illnesses or injuries. You can put your organization on the path to long-term success by adopting a proactive approach to outreach, which will help you develop trusting relationships with your patients. In addition, contacting your patients and caregivers results in a decrease in urgent and after-hours needs and increases patient satisfaction and trust in your organization.

Furthermore, you can anticipate questions before they are asked, saving both time and money on back-and-forth exchanges. This program reflects the patient-centric culture of our organization. Keeping patients informed is one of the many ways that HealthCare Tele-Services can help you optimize business results and enhance patient satisfaction.